Post #M17 arrest inital reflections

Spring is here!

Of course I can not yet divorce my perspective from my privilege as a white, educated, cis-male from this experience, but I hope these sincere words fall upon open ears & hearts. My apologies if anyone is offended. There are many complex nuances to be processed.

WATCH! Livestream of events leading up to what might be considered a police riot

Myself and 17 others were inexplicably released with our charges dropped at 3 am on Monday. Dozens of others remain in custody and are only just now seeing a judge, including people seriously injured who were denied medical attention and placed in solitary and/or highly abusive conditions for much of our 27+ hours of detainment in the "justice" system. Please do what you can to offer support in jails, courts, and show solidarity in the streets and your communities.


Down with Bloomberg & Kelly!
Demolish the prisons!
All out May Day! No Work, all play!

Everyday since has been utter magic, spiraling outward, into the streets, spiraling inward, into our hearts.

All I can really say at this moment is I am humbled by the place and moment in time I exist. And I am not likely going to give up.


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