#FTP #CriticalMass #BikeNYC #OWS 7pm tonight

Okay, so I am finally posting. I was having trouble expressing myself on in 140-or-less on my Twitter account (@critmasspanic). Also my pathetic plea to my facebook "friends" to accompany an "invite" for "F*ck Ur Cliques & Ur Scenes - Lets ride!" (Critical Mass, obviously) just was not coming together right. Lastly, I promised myself I would at least drop a mass e-mail to let folks know the cool shit going down. Or potentially going down, with a little participation in creating the world we want to see, from you, dear readers. So without further ado, a brief rant, and some suggested events you might attend.

The NYPD have been in the hot seat a lot lately, especially following last week's city council hearing on the utter failure to hold anyone accountable for traffic "accidents." I tried (but mostly failed) to speak eloquently on the record about the utter waste of resources, the (further) corruption of police culture, and the failure of NYPD leadership, as the embodied by Critical Mass. I kinda just rambled for a spell (as I am clearly wont to do), instead of stating the facts: On February 3rd, 9 NYPD vehicles were deployed to follow 7 cyclists. One week earlier on January 27th, 15 NYPD motor vehicles were deployed to Union Square to intimidate 5 cyclists.

Yet NYPD can't muster the resources to take murdering motorists off the streets. It is revolting.

Trying to depict the inner beauty of the NYPD at the hearing.

So what can we do to it? The Critical Mass story is no longer noteworthy. Its normal. Just like the racist stop & frisk, racist unconstitutional spying, senseless murder, brutality, rape, lying, ticket fixing, kettling, etc etc etc. I for one, refuse to accept it as normal. Fuck this creeping facism.

But how can we get accountability from Bloomberg's private army? If we keep waiting for the Mayor or Governor or the Feds to fix this, we are gonna be waiting a long time. Lets take a cue from OWS and make our own media, tell our own story, until it can no longer be ignored. Many dedicated folks have documented NYPD at Critical Mass over the years, but we can push it even further. I know we can make this effort massive. In solidarity with the communities of color, with the families of victims of traffic violence, with the Muslim community, with women. I am ready to say fuck the bikes, lets just get masses of people. Everyone is welcome to Union Square on the last Friday of the month, because everyone deserves to be safe in New York City. OUR CITY.

Which is why tonight is a time to come out. Its gonna be a little rainy. Its not gonna be a bunch of people ready to ride bikes. It will, however, be a bunch of NYPD goons wasting our money to serve and protect the flow of automotive traffic. Let's highlight this disproportionate use of force. Lets document the shit of this waste. Keep hitting that blue wall until it finally cracks and breaks.

That, or lets ditch the pigs and ride and have fun.

NYC Critical Mass - 7pm Union Square North

Okay, well I am glad I got that off my chest. Here are a few other happenings I would highly recommend you bring bike, body, and buddies to.

Sunday 2/26
Occupy Town Square III: Tompkins Square Park - 11 am to 5pm WE MAKE IT TOGETHER!

Monday 2/27
Seed Ball Bike Ride - 2pm Zuccotti Park - Will definitely be a fun part of F27: Occupy the Food Supply!!

Wednesday 2/29 LEAP DAY!!!
Shut Down Corporations on #F29 with #OccupyWallStreet - 9am Bryant Park - This day will see actions across the country. Bike Bloc definitely encouraged.

Follow me on twitter for the latest from all these happenings @critmasspanic, use hashtags #F27 #F29 #BikeBloc

Alright that is plenty. Ride with love in your heart, solidarity in your mind, and courage through your whole body!

Mellow Yellow


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