Well it has been forever, but I am finally bored enough...

...to update this blog. I hope you voted using my fancy new widget at the top of the page. It is some hot fresh, free code courtesy Google and Princeton which will no doubt further aid in our quest to #OCCUPY our future. If you are curious about what the hell I have been up to I would reccommend getting out of the stone ages and getting on twitter, or at least google @critmasspanic to see what I have been up to. My youtube channel has gotten a few uploads and hella views as I #OccupySanJose...

There is so much I want to tell you, dear internet: about my creative desperation while working with my father at the start of the year, or about how awesome bike month was in NYC, the WORLD NAKED BIKE RIDE in NYC (wnbrnyc.tumblr.com), or about how that shit got postponed, then pwned by NYPD, but we fuckin outlasted them until they had to give us permission to run the red lights. Or about how nuclear radiation is killing us all more quickly now, despite Time's Up!'s massive banners. I'd love to go on and on (with pics and video) about my amazing bike tour with @nyctimesup volunteers down to North Carolina which was pretty much the best way to spend August without a doubt. OR HOW OCCUPY WALL STREET and the subsequent globalrevolution (livestream.com/globalrevolution) has eroded my cynicism and given me hope in the future. I won't really get into how Bike Party has basically replaced CM in the Bay Area as the awesome place to smoke pot and ride with a thousands of other cyclists, but I can confirm that I LOVE DUBSTEP now because of it. I wish I could mourn the lives unneccesarily lost to automobiles in NYC. But all I can say is Fuck the NYPD. Don't let Ray Kelly become our next mayor or FBI director. See the widget above to learn how you can help without leaving your couch while the internet porn or the fucking episode of Gossip Girl buffers. Or get down to wall street. Anyhow. The future continues to become the present which continues to be incredibly fun and interesting if you just decide to stop being a tool and a fool sometimes, so I probably wont get into detail on any of the above until I retire at age 35. Buy my book!

Lastly, I should mention that the biggest fucking Critical Mass that NYC has seen in 7 years is happening this Friday 7pm Union Square north. Scary costumes, scary masses, scary cars, and of course, over-worked, scary police, followed by a crowded and scary after party at C-Squat by Times-Up! Be there with mask and lights, and know your rights we will occupy the streets like nobody can do business.

On a final note, if you are a billionaire, (corrupt) politician or (abusive) cop, be sure to gaze into your future and check out the sad fate of Muammar Gaddafi on the YouTube!

OMG i almost forgot I sold out and you can friend me on FACEBOOK now. Just decode this hippy song to find out my name!


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